Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Photography and civil rights essays

Photography and civil rights essays During the past 40 years, black Americans have endured the painful process of having to fight for what has been considered the rights of every man since our nation's founding. The right to be considered equal with person's of a different skin color, the right to have access to the same facilities, and to be treated with respect are elements of American life which are the cornerstone of what we consider our national identity, yet only a generation ago, one group of American's were denies these building blocks of personal identity. For the African American, the journey has been Only a generation ago, the unjust principle of separate but equal' was the best white Americans were willing to do. After the war, when Americans of all nationalities fought and died along side of each other, black Americans were given a measure of personal freedom and recognition. Bit the separate but equal approach was still just another way of telling the black man that he was not welcome to join white American life. White America was only willing to let the darker skinned brothers so close, and give them access to only a limited amount of personal freedom. These policies were unjust, and taught black American's to consider themselves as less than or in some way inferior to the white Americans. In 1963, social forces, legal efforts and a handful of charismatic leaders all arose from within the black community at the same time and together brought in lasting change. The discrimination which the black American felt did not end in 1963, not by any measurement. Separate but equal, and the centuries of legalized discrimination which occurred prior had left a deep wound in the heart, soul, and personal identity of the American black community. But due to the courageous work of men like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, all of whom gave their lives in the pursuit of a dream of equa...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Use Focus Groups in Marketing Research

How to Use Focus Groups in Marketing Research Focus groups are a form of qualitative research that is commonly used in product marketing and marketing research, but it is a popular method within sociology as well. During a focus group, a group of individuals- usually 6-12 people- is brought together in a room to engage in a guided discussion of a topic. Lets say youre beginning a research project on the popularity of Apple products. Perhaps you want to conduct in-depth interviews with Apple consumers, but before doing that, you want to get a feel for what kinds of questions and topics will work in an interview, and also see if consumers might bring up topics that you wouldnt think to include in your list of questions. A focus group would be a great option for you to talk casually with Apple consumers about what they like and dont like about the companys products, and how they use the products in their lives. The participants of a focus group are selected based on their relevance and relationship to the topic under study. They are not typically chosen through rigorous, probability sampling methods, which means that they do not statistically represent any meaningful population. Rather, participants are chosen through word-of-mouth, advertising, or  snowball sampling, depending on the type of person and characteristics the researcher is looking to include. Advantages of Focus Groups There are many advantages of a focus group: As a socially oriented research method, it captures real-life data in a social setting.It is flexible.It has high face validity, meaning that it measures what it is intended to measure.It generates quick results.It costs little to conduct.Group dynamics often bring out aspects of the topic or reveal information about the subject that may not have been anticipated by the researcher or emerged from individual interviews. Disadvantages of Focus Groups On the downside: The researcher has less control over the session than he or she does in individual interviews.Data can sometimes be difficult to analyze.Moderators require certain skills.Differences between groups can be troublesome.Groups can often be difficult to pull together.The discussion must be conducted in a conducive environment. Basic Steps In Conducting a Focus Group Some basic steps should be involved when conducting a focus group, from preparation to data analysis. Preparing For the Focus Group: Identify the main objective of the focus group.Carefully develop your focus group questions. Your focus group should generally last 1 to 1 1/2  hours, which is usually enough time to cover 5 or 6 questions.Call potential participants to invite them to the meeting. Focus groups generally consist of six to 12 participants who have some similar characteristic (e.g., age group, status in a program, etc.). Select participants who are likely to participate in discussions and who don’t all know each other.Send a follow-up invitation with a proposed agenda, questions up for discussion, and time/location details.Three days before the focus group, call each participant to remind them of the meeting. Planning the Session: Schedule a time that is convenient for most people. Plan the focus group to take between 1 and 1 1/2 hours. Lunchtime or dinnertime is usually a good time for people, and if you serve food, they are more likely to attend.Find a good setting, such as a conference room, with good airflow and lighting. Configure the room so that all members can see each other. Provide nametags as well as refreshments. If your focus group is at lunch or dinnertime, be sure to provide food as well.Set some ground rules for the participants that help foster participation and keep the session moving along appropriately. For example- 1. Stay focused on the subject/question, 2. Keep the momentum of the conversation going, and 3. Get closure on each question.Make an agenda for the focus group. Consider the following: Welcome, review of agenda, review of the goal of the meeting, review of ground rules, introductions, questions and answers, and wrap up.Don’t count on your memory for information shared at the focus group. Plan to record the session with either an audio or video recorder. If this isn’t possible, involve a co-facilitator who takes good notes. Facilitating the Session: Introduce yourself and your co-facilitator, if you have one.Explain your need and reason for recording the focus group discussion.Carry out the agenda.Carefully word each question to the group. Before a group discussion, allow everyone a few minutes to carefully record his or her responses or answers. Then, facilitate discussion around the answers to each question, one at a time.After the discussion of each question, reflect back to the group a summary of what you just heard. If you have a note-taker/co-facilitator, he or she may do this.Ensure even participation among the group. If a few people are dominating the conversation, then call on others. Also, consider a round-table approach in which you go in one direction around the table, giving each person a chance to answer the question.Close the session by thanking the participants and telling them that they will receive a copy of the report generated as a result of the discussion. Immediately After the Session: Verify that the audio or video recorder worked throughout the entire session (if one was used).Make any additional notes on your written notes that you need.Write down any observations you made during the session, such as the nature of participation in the group, any surprises of the session, where and when the session was held, etc. Updated  by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parents Sexuality Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parents Sexuality Influence - Essay Example The discussion of the sexuality of children with their parents is least common. However, many people think that sexuality education must be taught from the parents. Neither the parents nor the children are not prepared to talk with each other on issues which are common at teenage like drinking, sex, drug usage etc. Many of the parents do care about such issues, want their children to have safe and healthy sex, but they don't get the appropriate time to discuss, thinks talking on sex is a vulgar subject, and do not feel comfortable in discussion it. This may be because of big generation gap between them. However, the daughter consults more than the sons do. Most of the teenagers prefer to consult sexuality education centers for their problems. These centers are quite useful as they keep young people aware of the consequences and risks of premature sex. Having sex at young age can be both harmful physically and psychologically. The society in which people are living also influences in parent-children relationship. Some society, which are conservative and are more under religious influence find it a bit easier to discuss than in socially affected place. However, it is the duty of the parents, at a certain age i.e. 14-18 years of their children, the parents must take their children into confidence and discuss on their sexual development. This is the age where sexuality becomes more common among teenagers. The people need to make it clear that sexuality is the part of maturity of humans. The parents need to talk with their children and discuss sexuality issues. The fathers can talk with the sons, similarly the mothers with their daughters, discuss about the consequences of sexuality and advice them on periodic basis i.e. after six months or yearly basis of the consequences of sexuality. In this way, if children face any serious problems, the parents can consult medical consultants or may require regular treatments. The parents need to show more frankness, openness, and attentiveness in their attitude when discussing sexuality with the children. The parents need to keep their tone cool and humble, and answer them seriously. The privac y of the child must be kept intact. The father can tell the sons about the usage of condoms and mothers can help daughters when they are in their sexual periods. However, children think their parents can help them in making their sexual decisions. Awareness Among Younger generation: The parents and sexuality centers need to provide awareness among the younger generation about the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS etc. If not dealt properly with such diseases, improper pregnancy, inappropriate sex etc can be very deadly. In many European countries like Netherlands and Germany they have started sexuality awareness programs through electronic media, where parents come and give useful information to young masses. These sexuality communities can also help the parents in making them better sex educators. However in France, the children are send to such centers, and the parents cannot withdraw them before the age of 13. Although sexual education can be taught from other sources, but the love and care parents can give, children cannot get it from anywhere. Bibliography: Press Release Teens Say Parents Most Influence Their Sexual Decisions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Foundations of Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Foundations of Business Law - Essay Example By virtue of a valid sale and waiver of all her rights to the enterprise, Roxanne has transferred all said rights and interests to the property, which also includes liabilities and future litigation, such as the present case against her former business enterprise and its new owner, Sting. If Sting, also signified that it was Roxanne who owned the business through his conduct, Roxanne cannot be still held liable as there was fraud and misrepresentation employed by the former. Conversely, if there was indeed a valid, legal transfer of the rights to the business to Sting, he shall be the one solely liable to pay the obligation of $40,000 to Lumieres Sound and Lighting System. If Lumieres Sound and Lighting System cannot recover from Sting by virtue of his disappearance, the former cannot recover from Roxanne, as she has no knowledge whatsoever of the obligation and therefore, no obligation to pay the debt created by the new owner Sting. Moreover, since the parties were entering a contra ct which amounted to a significant amount of money, namely: $40,000.00, it was incumbent upon Lumieres Sound and Lighting System to verify the identity of the business proprietor they were contracting with, and look into all the considerations such as the financial capability of the other party to pay, among several other factors. It cannot take refuge in the fact that they had been â€Å"a regular supplier to Mogadon in the past, and was not aware of the change of ownership.† In all their financial dealings, a supplier must always exercise diligence and due care by assessing their client’s profile and identity. If there was only an actual transfer of the rights to the property, where legally, Roxanne was still the owner of the business enterprise, she is still liable for all the acts and obligations despite the actual ownership of Sting. Under the law, she still has rights and interests to the business enterprise, and would ultimately be liable for litigation and brea ch of contract, as Sting can only be considered as an agent acting in her behalf. Hence, in the absence of Sting, Roxanne can be held liable. Lastly, although there was an actual transfer of rights and ownership of the business by virtue of the sale between Roxanne and Sting, it was incumbent upon Roxanne to have advised Sting to stop the use of the old business signs, advertising, materials and stationary, and letterhead of Mogadon Music, and informed her former contacts and suppliers of the change of ownership of her former business enterprise. Question 2 To effectively ascertain whether or not Sally has a valid claim and cause of action under the law against Great Eastern Railway, an analysis of the facts and circumstances surrounding the case is proper. The facts of the case are clear and undisputed. There was a valid freight contact entered into by the parties. The issue and question in this case is whether or not Great Eastern Railway, under the stipulations of the contract en tered into by the parties, and through the acts or omissions of its employees, is liable for damages under the provisions and instances set forth by law and jurisprudence. The case at bar merits a situation of breach of contract. Defined in general terms, a breach of contract of a contractual obligation is any failure or departure from the agreed  terms and conditions of a contract, Accordingly, where a breach has been caused where one of the parties to the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Conceptualizing Addiction Paper Essay Example for Free

Conceptualizing Addiction Paper Essay The history of addiction goes back centuries, and unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for people to realize the effects of chemical substances do more harm than good. The difference between drug use and abuse relies heavily on a person’s dependence on the substance. The line between the differences is often very fine. Depending on other factors involved, such as morals, values, environment, and genetic predisposition, the line will most likely be crossed without regard to the consequences until treatment and recovery are the only options left. This is essay compares two theoretical explanations for addiction, including a psychological theory, and a biological theory. In addition, the writer will describe the viewpoints of each model, and how their effectiveness in addiction prevention and intervention. The Psychological Model The psychological model includes cognitive behavioral theories, psychodynamic theories, and the learning theory. Cognitive-behavioral theories associate a person’s motivation for taking drugs with their need for variety (McNeece DiNitto, 2012). People often look for fulfillment and pleasure as they carry out their day-to-day responsibilities, thus finding chemical substances a way to escape reality or a reward. Psychodynamic theories suggest more complex explanations are the reason behind drug addiction. Childhood experiences and structure within the family determine a person’s ability to cope socially and emotionally. Thus, the person uses drugs to forget about the pain or provide a false sense of security. Finally, the learning theory of addiction implies that people learn over time and exposure to drugs that anxiety, tension, and stress all decrease with use, becoming a reinforcer for the user (McNeece DiNitto, 2012). Each  of theories explain addiction in terms of a malfunctioning thought process or learning process that can be reversed. For less severe cases of addiction, this type of treatment is effective. However, usually, a multi-treatment approach is necessary. Psychological models focus on the emotion and the mind, while biological models, as discussed next, find that addictive behaviors depend on the structure and chemistry in the body’s genetic makeup. The Biological Model â€Å"The statistical associations between genetic factors and alcohol abuse are very strong† (McNeece DiNitto, 2012). However, there is still much debate over the validity of genetics as a definite cause for addiction. Perhaps, the reason for this is because the number of children of alcoholics that go on to become alcoholics is still small. Additionally, genetic predisposition cannot explain the number of cases of alcoholics that did not come from alcoholic parents or families. In fact, addiction can be so prominent, that it remains even after the drug use has ended (McNeece DiNitto, 2012). Therefore, the biological theory should not be ruled as it is based on what takes place in the body. There is no other theory that can explain how a person could still have addiction symptoms when the substance is absent from their system. Predisposition implies that there is a mutation or malfunction in the body that appears to cause a craving or susceptibility to becoming addicted to a substance. Comparing Psychological and Biological Models Both of the psychological and biological models explain addiction. In addition, both models take a holistic approach in their arguments. They simply emphasize a certain portion of the body and based their studies around that. Interestingly, the theories related to the psychological model are all insightful to how humans think and interact, however, they do not explain well the interactions that take place once a substance takes over quite like the biological model. Finally, the main shortcoming of the psychological model of addiction is the treatment approaches, which attempt to retrain a person’s thinking. Since biologists have proved there are specific genetic components of addiction that are naturally either present or absent, causing a mutation, a simple change of thought will not be enough  to cure addiction in most cases. Treatment for Addiction Prevention and Intervention Out of the two models, the biological model has impressive supporting evidence regarding treatment for addiction. Perhaps, this is because of the perspective of how addiction affects people. It is easier to find a solution to a problem that is explained with support, rather than common thought patterns shared between people. Addiction may have specific characteristics that users share, but ultimately, it will affect everyone differently and many factors will be involved. Problems associated with drug abuse affect areas such as the digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems, which is another advantage of biological treatment. Biologists study these systems and there functions and how addiction affects them. Thus, allowing them to incorporate treatment techniques that specialize in minimizing the effects of addiction while restoring the body’s systems. The duration, extent, and resiliency of the person still plays a vital role in the recovery and treatment process. Conclusion The history of addiction continues to stir controversy as to how it starts, who it affects, and why. While many choose to use chemical substances to get variety out of life, there are several that become addicted who cannot even give an answer as to why they continue to use. This is a sign of chemical dependency and typically means that the body and mind have now been altered in such a way that there will be adverse effects if and when a person chooses to stop using. Often, the decision to stop using is not voluntary. For many, there is not a realization that there is even a problem. There are just as many models that explain addiction as there are reasons that people become addicted. This essay explored the psychological and biological models of addiction. The psychological model deals with the mind and emotions, suggesting that people learn and adapt to certain behaviors over time. The biological model explains addiction as being present in all of us prior to being born, depending on the genetic predisposition and mutations. Arguably, no theory is better than another at explaining addiction. However, there is substantial evidence that supports  the biological model and its treatment when dealing with people with addictions. Reference McNeece, C.A., DiNitto, D.M. (2012). Chemical Dependency: A systems approach (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wealth and Beauty Equals Popularity in Beverly Hills 90210 :: Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Wealth and Beauty Equals Popularity in Beverly Hills 90210 Every teenager who has attended high school can relate to the pressures that come from the desire to be popular. It’s normal for teens to feel the need to be in the â€Å"in crowd† and to fit in with the â€Å"beautiful people.† Television shows help contribute to this â€Å"need† to fit in. One such show, Beverly Hills 90210, is based on beautiful teenage characters, most of whom are wealthy and, coincidentally, popular. In today’s society there is a shared cultural belief that in order to be popular high school students must be wealthy and beautiful. The show both challenges and reinforces this cultural belief by offering characters like Kelly Taylor, who is a beautiful, California blonde who seems to lead an ideal life. She is one of the most popular girls at West Beverly High (partly because she was able to afford a nose job). Beautiful people such as Steve Sanders--a wealthy, snobbish womanizer--constantly surround her. A character who challenges this belief is Andrea Zuckerman, an intelligent, middle-class student who is more concerned about her grades than her appearance. And there are also the twins from Minnesota, Brenda and Brandon Walsh, who are not instantly popular; rather, they use their personalities (and their good looks), not their wealth, to fit in. On the outside Kelly, Steve, and even Brandon and Brenda seem to be happy because they are popular and because they lead fairly normal lives. But the well-seasoned viewer knows that these are just transparent beliefs. These beautiful teens do not lead perfect lives. The show has some cultural significance: seemingly superficial characters have complexities that are not obvious at a first glance. In fact, Kelly is ashamed of how she lost her virginity and the fact that her mother is an alcoholic. She is unexpectedly conscientious; she was concerned about her SAT scores. Kelly also proved to be a good friend to Brenda after she threw her a surprise going away party when the Walsh family was planning to move back to Minnesota. Kelly seems so self-absorbed on the outside but at the same time she is constantly trying to help her friends overcome obstacles. Steve also contributed to the going away party.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reaction Paper Essay

On August 3, the 1st year BSHM-CA students held an educational tour in different places of Manila and especially the main event of the tour is in the Fontana Resort, Clark Pampanga. The Educational tour started out as an escape from school for most of us students, bonding with friends, chance to unwind and of course, to learn new things and to gain knowledge at the same time that we may apply someday. First, we went to the entertainment room of the Resort where we discussed about the events, places of Pampanga and also some psychologic facts. After we enter the entertainment room of the Resort, there’s a short briefings about history of Pampanga, the course we took. We also did some different kinds of entertainment like singing, dancing, having fun, and eating. I learned a lot and also it is really useful because it’s important that you know how having an educational tour begins, the history and evolution of Pampanga because other people didn’t know that and I can share what I learned and discovered. After the short visit to entertainment room of the Resort, we went straight to our second destination the area of the Resort, I found myself amazed and amused because the place is really relaxing and unwinding. After we arrived in our hotel rooms, we wait for about 30 minutes because there was a huge rain that day and it looked like a storm. So it’s our time to eat lunch, relax, taking pictures, nap and retouch. After that we go back to our assigned rooms and relax and had fun there. I found our tour very interesting because I felt the happiness in me but it’s also a challenge for us. That’s all. Thank you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What Role Does International Relations Play in the Shaping, Defining, or Legitimating of Masculinity or Masculinities?

â€Å"There may be numerous ways in which international relations are implicated in the construction of masculinities and masculine identities; through the direct disciplining of male bodies, through numerous political and institutional practices, and through broader cultural and ideological links. † Unquestioningly, more and more people believe that â€Å"the personal becomes political† nowadays, we can see that even for subjects that suppose to be those of intimate details of private lives have become something that are constructed and structured by social relations. More obvious, lives of women are especially in the main stage, but not in a very good way. How? There are many forms of gender oppression towards women. This performance of discrimination â€Å"deprives women from equal rights, whereas men have been judge on their merits as individuals, women have tended to be judged as female or as a group. † This is to say that apparently, the world of international relations is precisely a man’s world, both in practice and theory. Be that as it may, to be success in this particular world, one must pass the criteria measured by masculine traits: power, autonomy, and independence. Also, it has been said that the privilege and power that achieve by men are not due to their physical, but because of their cultural association with masculinity. Having said that, Hooper also proposed that â€Å"it is the quality of masculinity that is closely associated with power, rather than men per se, and the term masculinism, which implies a privileging of masculinity†. Coupled the stories that I have just described with the picture of international politics which is dominated by diplomats, soldiers, and international civil servants, most of whom are men, in defining the governments’ policies, it is not exaggerate to assume that world politics is a man’s world. Regardless of the fact that international relations is one of the last social sciences to be affected by gender/feminist analysis, many agree that it is because it has been so strongly masculinised by the works of those people that I have just said. Moreover, considering the current trend of world politics that is based mainly on the ideology of realism, not only that it helps legitimate the masculine world, but also it contributes to the international relations theory and practice’s focal point on power, sovereignty, and security. Nonetheless, in this paper I will first discuss about the significance of identity towards international relations which I believe will provide the basic clarity of why we have to study about the importance of IR towards the masculine identity, then I will turn to the talk about the meaning of patriarchy and who defines or what legitimates that notion. Next I will try to answer the question of this paper by making it seems more practical. For example, I will depict the picture of the world after Cold War in which realism claims its explanatory power and its effect in shaping, defining, or legitimating masculinity or masculinities, along with the illustration of how the United States have inscribed the idea of gender into IR, and used it to legitimate their actions, etc. Lastly will be the conclusion part. Identity and IR In the famous article of Marysia Zalewski and Cynthia Enloe, Questions about the Identity in International Relations, they have asked us many questions that many always want to know the answers: what our identity is and who defines us. Knowingly, â€Å"identity is being fashioned and constructed by others who have a stake in making up certain social categories and in trying to make people conform to them. † However, if any chance the final result came out showing that your identity is ‘a woman’, then ‘too bad’, because you will have to live with this so-called inferior status for the rest of your life. Asserting Zalewski and Enloe, â€Å"gender and specifically that which is identified as belongings to femininity acts as a pre-emptive deterrent to certain modes of thought, action and speech. † Funny as it may seem, who would have known that the social construction of women identity has been manufactured by mainly male theorists in order to keep them from accessing the public world, the world designed only for men. Patriarchy and the Misogynic World â€Å"The term patriarchy was originally associated with ‘the rule of father’ but feminists broadened its use to cover other aspects of male domination. † Obviously, international relations base its assumption and explanations almost entirely on the activities and experiences of men. Furthermore, according to Connell, there are several reasons why feminists have seen the state as patriarchal institution. â€Å"the state is the core of the whole structure of power relations in gender with the total exclusion of women† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"the state has a well-marked internal gender regime† with the example of strong gender division of labour †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"it is typical of modern states that the centres of state power, the top decision-making units, are heavily masculine† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"the state has the capacity to do gender, it generates policies concerned with gender issues† Given these reasons, it can be said t hat only men can benefit, ‘patriarchal dividend’ in the form of money, authority, respect, safety and power, from the world of gender inequalities. Although not all men can receive the benefits of patriarchal world, and not every woman suffers from it either, still the way in which elites men who possess the power in influencing and making decisions in government’s policy tend to focus on dichotomous thinking is mainly in order to sustain the gender order in the way that they want and the way that they can privilege from. Hooper suggested that in defining masculinities â€Å"the academic discipline of IR is not exempt from the general observation that the more men align themselves with hegemonic masculinities, the more they boost their own credibility and perpetuate that hegemony†. And in defending this more valued status, we can see masculine practices work their ways to maintain such position, whether self-consciously or not, as well as to make sure that they meet the threshold of requiring elites’ privileges. Hooper also claimed that â€Å"masculinities are not just domestic cultural variables; both political events and masculine identities are the products of men’s participation in international relations. † Also, â€Å"international relations reflects a world of men in that they influence international affairs through their physical capacities, through practices at the institutional level, and through the symbolic links between masculinity and power. For real supporting example of such argument, I find that many scholars believe that the United States in the post-colonial era had been dominated by politicians, diplomats, and other international players. These were groups of people who had been strongly influenced by European values of hegemonic masculinity. Asserting Hooper once again, â€Å"such institutions still tend to churn out a high proportion of international elites. † In sum, the international arena and men require each other. This is to say that, while international relations needs men to design and work on its structure, most men, especially white elites men, also need the international relations to hold on to and to maintain their status quo. International Politics and its effect on Masculinities The Realism World â€Å"Paradigms such as realism, pluralism and structuralism/globalism are ontologically and ideologically committed to seeing a particular picture of the international, as a result which they are also theoretically and epistemologically constrained. † States are considered to be principal actors in the international relations. Why? To answer this question, one might have to go back to the traditional ideology of realism – which regards states as unitary and rational actor- that has been in the main focus of world politics for quite some time now. Especially in the era of Cold War, foreign policies of both the United States and the Soviet Union led to the institutionalization of masculinity. They fought each other with, besides the arms race, the definitions of masculinity and femininity. However, if we dig deep enough to the core of policy makers and intellectuals that dominated the world, we can see that most of them are men. Thus, as we live in the world that dominated by a masculine’s culture, anything that is relating to the traits of hegemonic masculinity can be seen as in a higher position, superior status to those that associated with feminine. Also, the way in which we mostly concentrate our ideologies after cold war with realism led us to the emphasis on power politics, which finally renders us the reinforcement of masculinities. And, â€Å"for realist, security tied to the military security of the state. Given their pessimistic assumptions about the likely behaviour of states in anarchic international environment, thus war could break out at any time because nothing can prevent it. This rendered states to rely on their own power capabilities to achieve security† . Hence, it can be easily detected that realism is oriented by masculine-linked characteristics. â€Å"Characteristics associated with manliness, such as toughness, courage, power, independence, and even physical strength, have, throughout history, been those most valued in the conducted of politics, particularly international politics† . Cited example from Zalewski and Enloe’s work, â€Å"the current Chinese officials making nuclear policy were all men and they made at least some of their nuclear decision in order to prove to the Russians and the Americas that they too were real men in international politics. † In spite the fact that realism notion can only explain a partial view of reality, still just when we think about the national security, it means that we have already entered into an almost exclusively male domain. Tickner argued that â€Å"in the post-World War II world, this bipolar balance of power became what less sanguine observers termed a balance on terror that rested on the vast array of nuclear weapons possessed by the United States, the unprecedented buildup and maintenance of hugh military arsenals in a time of peace led to a new branch of international relations scholarship known as national security studies. While national security scholars are realists in their basic assumptions and explanations, during the Cold War era they focused almost exclusively in designing a military strategy for the United States with respect to the Soviet Union. As national security specialists have moved between academic and government, American national security policy has rested on the realist prescription of increasing security through preparation for war† . However, the statement that I have just cited is not exaggerate since when we look back into the world history, particularly for the Greeks, the way to achieve status and recognition as an honored man, one needed to participate in war in the form of heroic performance. We can assume from these given facts that realism focus only on men, while oppress women. Tickner gave us clarity that â€Å"The high politics of war and Realpolitik, the traditional Western academic discipline of international relations privileges issues that grow out of men’s experiences; we are socialized into believing that war and power politics are spheres of activity with which men have a special affinity and that their voices in describing and prescribing for this world are therefore likely to be more authentic. † This rendered the pattern of gender discrimination that happens in the world nowadays. To give an insight on this area, I shall point to the work of many well-known realists, namely Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau. But first as most international relations student know that the Greek city-state was a community of warriors, and intellectuals and theorists back in those years like Hobbes, he said that people in the state of nature are in international arena. This is to say that, nature is in control of men; thus, it helps legitimate hegemonic masculinity. While for Machiavelli’s â€Å"the Prince†, he highly praised for warrior-prince. Given this fact, many feminists regard warrior-citizenship neither as a negative, unavoidable characterization of human nature, nor a desirable possibility. Rather, they defer it as a revisable, gendered construction of personality and citizenship. Machiavelli also argued that for a person to possess to quantity of manliness, one must have virtu, which literally means manly activity. According to Tickner, â€Å"Machiavelli’s virtu is insight, energetic activity, effectiveness, and the courage: it demands overcoming a man’s self-indulgence and laziness. † On the other hand, he perceived women as fortuna. Or else, it is a feminine power in men themselves against which they must continually struggle to maintain autonomy. For him, â€Å"fortuna is a threat to the masculinity of the citizen-warrior† Furthermore, he always regarded women as weak, fearful, indecisive, and dependent. Also, Tickner claimed that the real test of manly virtue in that era was victory in battle. In Morgenthau’s popular book â€Å"Politics among Nations,† he has constructed his argument almost exclude women. When he claimed about the struggle for power between individuals for dominance, women hardly occupy any claims of such area. Thus, we can assume that when Morgenthau talks about domination, he is referring to men primarily. Having said these, we can presume once again that state continues to derive much of its legitimacy from its security function; especially for national security that citizens are willing to make sacrifices without doubt. Additionally, Connell said that â€Å"while state power is a resource for the struggle for hegemony in gender, hegemonic masculinity is also a resource in the struggle for state power. † And this explains why political parties often choose military heroes or prominent generals as candidates. Tickner proved that â€Å"the president’s dual role as commander in chief reinforces our beliefs that qualities we associate with the manliness are of utmost importance in the selection of our presidents †To understand this logic, we first have to realize that â€Å"soldiering is characterized as a manly activity requiring the masculine traits of physical strength, action, toughness, capacity for violence, and, for officers, resolve, technical know-how, and logical or strategic thinking† and that â€Å"military combat in the pursuit of war is a clear example of how international relations help to shape men †. It is the most complete version of masculinity. Those who went to war and came back had been highly praised for their sacrifice. In this case, the dead were also heroes. Rather, in many cases we can that those men who avoid going to fight in war had been greatly looked down on as soft and feminized. Further we can see that â€Å"war are fought for many reasons; yet, frequently, the rationale for fighting wars is presented in gendered terms such as the necessity of standing up to aggression rather than being pushed around or appearing to be sissy or a wimp. Support for wars is often garnered through the appeal to masculine characteristics †. In the realism world where war is central to the way we learn about the international relations, the vicious cycle and the security dilemma relied greatly on the war, and since war demands manliness, for combat is the ultimate test of masculinity, thus â€Å"war is a gendering activity at a time when the discourse of militarism and masculinity permeates the whole fabric of society †. One of the most interesting examples of to show how international relations and masculinities had interrelationship after reading the work of Hooper is when he claimed that â€Å"Pluralist and liberal perspectives were being feminized by Waltz un order to put them down. Theoretical overcomplication that creates confusion is akin to so-called feminine woolly mindedness, in signifying lack of masculine reason and purposefulness†¦ Such failings contrast neatly with Waltz’s own punchy, curt, and slightly aggressive prose. Given that example, we can infer easily of the direct consequences that international relations use the gender perspectives in upgrading their own point of view. Thus, using this same tactic the United States nowadays in order to fight the war on terror, most of the policymakers in the Capitol Hill, which most of them are men, have been tried to implicate the rhetoric of gender in which they portrayed those who refuse the use of patriot act as being soft, t he characteristic most likely to associated with women. Imperialism and Post-Colonialism Traced back in time we can see that imperial also intervened in domestic life or somehow found the way to link the issue of domination with gender of people in their colonies. For example, one of the greatest works in international relations studies of Edward Said ‘Orientalism’ rendered us the idea of a male perception of the world And Tickner showed that â€Å"colonized people were often described as being effeminate, masculinity was an attribute of the white man, and colonial order depended on Victorian standards of manliness †. Similar to the same tactic using above, sometimes we can see that the imperial countries often portray the countries which they ruled with the picture of female or even children. For example this is how Latin America was perceived by the United States. Thus, â€Å"it is not the action themselves but the gendered interpretations placed on them that are crucial in determining which activities count as masculine and valued and which count as feminine and devalued . † International Political Economy and Gender Division of Labour â€Å"The power of gendered dichotomies and the way in which strategies of masculinization and feminization work to promote inequalities between the sexes can be seen clearly in the gendered division of labor† . Recently political economy has become more and more powerful in its explanatory power. Depicting Japan and Germany, two countries saw as aggressors of World War II, these two countries nowadays have emerged as the economic superpower contrasting to the ideology of realism. Yet, this does not imply that military, power have declined their strengths, rather in many countries still military and arms purchase still prior to other economic budget. True that political economy is another important field of international relations, and it has increased its popularity over time, still, as irony as it may seem, the more global economy has shown its face to the world, the more it shows the cold war imagery of masculinity. â€Å"Post cold-war era in for the United Sates reflected not only a reconfiguration of Anglo-American hegemonic masculinity in conjunction with economic estructuring, workplace changes, and new management styles, but also reflected a more local phenomenon: the Americanization of the City of London and of the culture of international finance †. Even for liberalism that tends to give attention to economy, or liberalism rational economic man, most people still agree that that idea is based heavily on the hegemonic masculinity characteristic s. Be that as it may, this gave birth to the gender or sexual division of labour in which men have dominated the intellectual fields while women have been assigned the domestic tasks necessary for physical survival , especially in the light industries . Enloe said that â€Å"this sexual division of labour has had the effect of further masculinizing national and international politics. For governments to possess heavy industries which most men control is held as proof that a country has graduated. † Also many Marxist feminists believe that capitalism is the source of women’s oppression and lower levels of human capital , radical feminists claim that â€Å"women are oppressed by the system of patriarchy that has existed under almost all modes of production. Patriarchy is institutionalized through legal and economic, as well as social and cultural institutions †. Moreover, â€Å"if capital is being rewarded disproportionately to labour in the world economy, then men are being rewarded disproportionately to women † and that â€Å"women are oppressed in specific ways that are attributable to patriarchy rather than capitalism † Conclusion â€Å"IR symbolically becomes a wholly masculine sphere of war and diplomacy, at the furthest extreme from the domestic sphere of families, women, and reproduction in the private/public/international divides of modernity† . In answering the paper’s question, Hooper said that â€Å"international relations has played an important part in not only reflecting and legitimating specific masculinities, but also in constructing and defining them† . With all the proving examples that I have stated in this paper, I do not think that gender hierarchies that privilege male characteristics and men’s knowledge and experiences, and sustain the kind of attitudes toward women in foreign policy will change any time soon.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stop Consonant - Definition and Examples in Phonetics

Stop Consonant s in Phonetics In phonetics, a stop consonant is the sound made by completely blocking the flow of air and then releasing it. Also known as a plosive. Stop Consonants Explained In English, the sounds [p], [t], and [k] are voiceless stops (also called plosives). The sounds [b], [d], and [g] are voiced stops. Examples Of Stop Consonants We may describe the first sound in pit as a voiceless bilabial stop (transcribed as [p]) . . .. The consonant in abbey is also a bilabial stop, but differs from that in pit: it is voiced. This consonant (transcribed as [b]) is a voiced bilabial stop.The first sound in tin is a voiceless alveolar stop; it is transcribed as [t]. Its voiced counterpart is the consonant in ado. This sound, the voiced alveolar stop, is transcribed as [d].The first sound in cool is a voiceless velar stop; it is transcribed as [k]. Its voiced counterpart, the voiced velar stop, is transcribed as [g]; an example is the consonant in ago.We have now identified bilabial, alveolar and velar stops; stops may be made at many other places of articulation, but we will ignore those, as they are not relevant to the study of English. There is one further stop which we must mention, however, as it is very common in the speech of most speakers of English. This is the glottal stop . . .. It is made by forming a constricti on of complete closure between the vocal folds. This is the sound made instead of [t] in many Scottish and Cockney pronunciations of, for example, the word butter. We will see that it is present in the speech of almost every speaker of English, no matter what the accent. (Philip Carr, English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction. Blackwell, 1999) Anterior Stops The labial and alveolar stops, [p], [b], [t], [d], are also known as the anterior stops. Together, with the velar or back stops, they complete the American English set of phonemic stops. . . .The [p] and [b] occur at the front of the mouth and are grouped with the labials, sounds formed by the lips. The alveolar stops, [t] and [d], are made on the gum ridge behind the upper teeth. At the back of the mouth are [k] and [g]. These are the velar stops because the tongue makes a seal with the soft palate (or velum)...The variant forms for the stops, called allophones by phoneticians, are regularly tied to the phonetic contexts in which the sounds occur. For example, stops in initial position in words or at the start of stressed syllables are usually exploded, or heavily aspirated, whereas those at the ends of words may not even be released. (Harold T. Edwards, Applied Phonetics: The Sounds of American English, 3rd ed. Thomson, 2003) Nasal Stops Stop ​articulations without a velic closure and with nasal airflow are called nasal stops or, more simply, nasals. Nasals are sonorant sounds, because the airstream produced by the lungs can escape via the nasal cavity and there is no rise in air pressure inside the vocal tract. (Michael Ashby and John A. Maidment, Introducing Phonetic Science. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Situated Ethos in Rhetoric

Situated Ethos in Rhetoric In classical rhetoric, situated ethos is a type of  proof that  relies primarily on a speakers reputation within his or her community. Also called prior or  acquired ethos. In contrast to invented ethos  (which is projected by the rhetor during the course of the  speech  itself), situated ethos is based on the rhetors public image, social status, and perceived moral character. An unfavorable [situated] ethos will hamper the effectiveness of a speaker, notes James Andrews, whereas a favorable ethos may well be the single most potent force in promoting successful persuasion (A Choice of Worlds). Examples and Observations Situated ethos is  a function of a speakers reputation or standing in a specific community or context. For example, a physician will have a certain credibility not only in a professional setting, such as a hospital but also in the community at large because of the social standing of medical doctors.(Robert P. Yagelski,  Writing: Ten Core Concepts. Cengage, 2015)Situated ethos can be enhanced over time  by building up a reputation that is tied to a particular discourse community; as Halloran (1982) explained its use in the classical tradition, to have ethos is to manifest the virtues most valued by the culture to and for which one speaks (p. 60).(Wendi Sierra and Doug Eyman, I Rolled the Dice With Trade Chat  and This Is What I Got.  Online Credibility and Digital Ethos, ed. by Moe Folk and Shawn Apostel. IGI Global, 2013)Richard Nixons depreciated ethos- For a public figure like [Richard] Nixon, the task of the artful persuader is not to contradict the impressions people al ready have of him but to supplement these impressions with other, favorable ones.(Michael S. Kochin,  Five Chapters on Rhetoric: Character, Action, Things, Nothing, and Art. Penn State Press, 2009)- In rhetorical interaction, no particular is more consequential than  ethos. Depreciated  ethos, for instance, can be disastrous. A prompt and forthright response by Richard Nixon  to facts of the Watergate incident might have saved his presidency. His evasions and other defensive acts only weakened his position. . . . Behavior that is perceptively  evasive, uncaring, self-abasing, spiteful, envious, abusive, and tyrannical, etc, contributes to tarnished credibility; with mature audiences, it returns only rhetorical loss. (Harold Barrett,  Rhetoric and Civility: Human Development, Narcissism, and the Good Audience. State University of New York Press, 1991) Situated ethos in Roman rhetoric- Aristotles conception of an [invented] ethos portrayed only through the medium of a speech was, for the Roman orator, neither acceptable nor adequate. [The Romans believed that character was] bestowed or inherited by nature, [and that] in most cases character remains constant from generation to generation of the same family.(James M. May, Trials of Character: The Eloquence of Ciceronian Ethos, 1988)- According to Quintilian, Roman rhetoricians who relied on Greek rhetorical theory sometimes confused ethos with pathosappeals to the emotionsbecause there was no satisfactory term for ethos in Latin. Cicero occasionally used the Latin term persona), and Quintilian simply borrowed the Greek term. This lack of a technical term is not surprising, because the requirement of having a respectable character was built into the very fabric of Roman oratory. Early Roman society was governed by means of family authority, and so a persons lineage had everything to d o with what sort of ethos he could command when he took part in public affairs. The older and more respected the family, the more discursive authority its members enjoyed.(Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee, Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2004) Kenneth Burke on ethos and identificationYou persuade a man only insofar as you can talk his language by speech, gesture, tonality, order, image, attitude, idea, identifying your ways with his. Persuasion by flattery is but a special case of persuasion in general. But flattery can safely serve as our paradigm if we systematically widen its meaning, to see behind it the conditions of identification or consubstantiality in general.(Kenneth Burke, The Rhetoric of Motives, 1950)

Sunday, November 3, 2019


POLITICAL COMMUNICATION, ADVOCACY AND CAMPAIGNING - Essay Example In his autobiography, Decision points, Bush looked back at his role in those events with pride and no regret despite the controversy surrounding his decisions and the ensuing consequences (Bush 2010). This essay endeavors to look at the Bush’s controversial plan to attack the International news channel Al-Jazeera revealed in the Daily Mirror in 2005, as part of the American administration war against terrorism and Al-Qaida. A decision which surprised many international political observers when it was revealed, but which Bush has not denied in his autobiography. Founded in the 1990s, run by Qatar Media Corporation, and intended for Middle East viewers, Al-Jazeera is an international, initially Arabic, news and current affairs channel. Its headquarters are maintained at Doha in Qatar. Over the years, Al-Jazeera extended its network to cover many specialties. Its TV channels and the news are now broadcasted in many languages ( 2010). Unlike other government channels, Al-Jazeera is the only independent channel in the Middle East. It has always broadcasted unorthodox views and shows in crucial times such as live videos of Osama Bin Laden, especially after the 9/11 attack on the twin towers and during the exclusive and live coverage of the Afghanistan war. Its broadcasting policy owned it an international reputation and a wide range of audience. â€Å"It has earned the reputation of being notorious among the critics due to its inclination towards giving coverage to terrorists groups and showing violent footage from war-zones† ( 2010). The channel broadcasted videotapes of Muslim radicals that included Osama-Bin-Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Hoever, its broadcasting policy was not to the â€Å"taste† of many political observers however. For some it was perceived as â€Å"a propaganda machine and Osama bin Laden’s mouthpiece† (Miles 2006). Donald Rumsfeld for example objected that the channel

Friday, November 1, 2019

Community Engagement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Engagement - Research Paper Example Additionally, during the exploration activities, the company ensures that they provide funds to assist in the establishment of projects or in compensation of the ones which are destroyed in the process. One of the notable way through which the companies protect the interest of the local communities is by ensuring that the environment is not negatively affected as well as reduction in the carbon emissions. Thus, the companies undertake Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) whose findings are vital during the consultation process (Community Benefit, 2014). On their part, the communities provide their representatives who engage in consultation with project team leaders and making recommendations. The companies’ philosophy is based on talking to local residents and representatives at all the stages of the exploration process. In its effort to inform the public, Cuadrilla and other companies ensure that they announce the proposed exploration sites. For instance, in January 2014, C uadrilla announced new exploration location in Flyde and currently it is consulting with the local communities about their proposal. Thus, the communities have an opportunity to provide feedback on the company’s proposal. Apart from holding meetings with local associations and interested parties as well as communities, the companies consult with local businesses on a one to one basis. In this way, the companies ensure that the interests of the business communities are taken into consideration while at the same time ensuring the responses are clear and avoid the confusion (Cristina, 2014). UK shale gas companies have also embarked on undertaking public exhibitions whereby large number of people provides ideas that are vital in the formation of the development proposals. Additionally, public exhibitions provide ample opportunity through which the questions from the members of the